Gloucester Kennel Club of Virginia
Monday, June 27, 2016
Held at Richmond Raceway Complex , Labrurnum Ave. & Richmond-Henrico Tplke
Richmond, VA Web Site:
Entries Close: Wednesday, June 8, 2016 Event Status: Approved
Event Chair
VA 23061-5426
Judging Panel Status: Approved For additional information contact:
MB-F Inc., Superintendent
PO BOX 22107 GREENSBORO, NC 27420-2107 (336) 379-9352
Competition Types Offered
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Judges' names link to the Searchable Judges Directory. Dogs' names link to the online store, where you can order reports such as a research pedigree.
Click on a group, class, breed, or stake to display the next level of detail.
Judges' names link to the Searchable Judges Directory. Dogs' names link to the online store, where you can order reports such as a research pedigree.
Click on a group, class, breed, or stake to display the next level of detail.
Judges' names link to the Searchable Judges Directory. Dogs' names link to the online store, where you can order reports such as a research pedigree.
Click on a group, class, breed, or stake to display the next level of detail.
Judges' names link to the Searchable Judges Directory. Dogs' names link to the online store, where you can order reports such as a research pedigree.